HR planning

How to get a grip on personnel resources and costs!
A qualified workforce has become a key factor and represents one of the biggest challenges for companies. The shortage of skilled workers and new requirements of the younger generation are significant factors influencing the future development of companies. For this reason, these aspects must be given greater consideration in personnel planning.
Comprehensive personnel planning therefore not only includes conventional tasks such as updating employee numbers or short-term personnel adjustments, but also strategic objectives. This involves, for example, the question of which employees are needed at which locations and times. This planning must take into account various development scenarios and define suitable measures. This requires regular coordination with overarching strategy processes.
Individual planning processes
With our HR module, we have developed an end-to-end solution for you, from capacity determination and approval through to integrated personnel cost calculation. Tailor-made personnel planning processes can thus make a significant contribution to corporate management.
The HR module at a glance:
- Preconfigured solution: Use ready-to-use templates to plan your HR resources and personnel costs
- Simple connection: The data from your upstream systems is simply transferred via an Excel interface. You can then plan at all levels.
- High transparency: Prefabricated, expandable analyses and reports offer quick transparency and plan/actual comparisons for deviation detection.
- Comprehensive integration: All important framework conditions such as social security contributions, vacation and Christmas bonuses and collective agreements are automatically taken into account.
- Precise planning: The module creates a proposal plan based on your employee master data and associated wage and time types, which you can also use to carry out scenario calculations.
The module is based on the platform board platform and our experience from numerous HR projects. The solution offers flexible modeling of the approval workflow as well as individual capacity planning. Preconfigured complex calculation units (e.g. calculation of the GSA) for the personnel cost calculation enable the solution to be used quickly. You can find out more by talking to our experts.
The advantages of the HR module
Practical template
Easy to use
The solution can be installed in just a few steps. It then takes over the existing master and transaction data via EXCEL interface from upstream systems such as SAP, LOGA, Accurat, Paisy. After defining the framework conditions, the user can plan easily and quickly, receiving the results immediately across all levels. An automatic upload of master and transaction data can be extended on request.
Precise planning and control
General conditions taken into account
All data under control
The advantages of the HR module

Discuss further details with our HR expert!
client testimonial

Whereas we used to need several weeks for HR planning with Excel, we are now through with the HR forecast after four days, for example.Read case study
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