Industrial production

celver industrial production

We have been working with industrial customers for over 20 years and have gained extensive experience in the realization of planning and analysis solutions for discrete and continuous manufacturing.

The current challenges include globally distributed production, new business models and more intense competition with high energy costs. Transparency across all important KPIs, from QEE and inventories to key financial figures, is therefore of fundamental importance for corporate management. This requires lean and efficient planning processes and solutions. Our customers come from the automotive, consumer goods, equipment and mechanical engineering and foundry sectors.

Our customers include:

client testimonial

Dr. Peter Schätzler
Division Manager Supply Chain Management
Fissler GmbH
The central data warehouse that is now in place provides flexibility to integrate more data in the future. Internal know-how for the adaptation of the solution as well as the very good cooperation with celver in connection with the current state of the solution, leads us to the conclusion that our integrated demand planning is a decisive factor for success and that it creates a clear competitive advantage for us.
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Our recommendations for you

Webinar on demand


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This is some text inside of a div block.

Our recommendations for you

Case Study

Relaunch of integrated demand planning


First, the structures of the previous system were converted and cleaned up, the data warehouse was set up and the interface to SAP was implemented. Afterwards, the relaunch of the planning solution could begin.

Our recommendations for you

Blog post


Our recommendations for you


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