
celver services

Finding qualified employees is currently the biggest challenge for many service companies. The right planning in relation to the skills and availability of this scarce resource is the decisive success factor.

This requires extensive analysis options via capacity utilization factors, average revenue per unit and directly attributable costs for a step-by-step contribution margin calculation. Based on these factors, rolling planning processes from resource planning to the financial result are an important control factor. This is exactly what we have already successfully implemented in many projects in the service sector.

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client testimonial

John Louris
Head of Controlling Department
The manual preparation and merging of data is no longer an issue today. In contrast, fast and flexible analyses are now possible at any time. All developments are continuously transparent from the most diverse perspectives.
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Our recommendations for you

Webinar on demand


Finding the right balance in corporate planning

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This is some text inside of a div block.

Our recommendations for you

Case Study

Integrated reporting and planning

Robinson Club

Build an integrated solution that combines both flexible analytics, standard unified reporting, and flexible planning logics in one system.

Our recommendations for you

Blog post


Our recommendations for you


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